Thursday, July 3, 2008

Soccer Camp, Vacation Bible School, and Fun

Here I am hanging out with the brother.
I can get him too...
I love the naked clothes please!
Look at me I'm upside down.
Watching Jonah play at soccer camp.
We had to go and watch him for 5 days.
What a said it was Wacky Wednesday. I think he just dresses sorta strange.
I can get it...I just have to reach a bit further.
It rained a lot during camp. Just hanging out in the van.
Hey Mom, I can drive too.
This is Jonah and Coach Gavin. He's kinda cute and he's from Britain.
Dad, can I date yet?
Jonah was suppose to be sitting out for goofing around.
I don't think he quite got the concept.
Jonah kicking the ball.
Here I am all cute for the VBS program.
Jonah singing and dancing.
Some more singing.
And more singing.
Jonah excited that everyone was there.
This last week we did lots of stuff. Jonah had soccer camp all week long. He missed one day because there was some lightening with the rain. 3 days he played in rain or mist. Then of course the rain would usually stop after camp. He also had T-ball and vacation bible school. Mom and I were ready to stay at home. Jonah still has t-ball, but all the other stuff is done. I really like this mom staying at home thing. I've been a stinker and cry every time she leaves the room lately. I've got to keep my eye on her in case she thinks she's gonna leave.

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