Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Glance of July and August

Here I am on top of my dresser in my new room.
Snoozin' with DaDa
Hangin' with cousin Gracie
Gracie playing with blocks
Jonah and I are at Story Book Land in Aberdeen, SD
Jonah on the bunks in our cabin
Mom and me on the bed in the cabin
I really like my books
I'm belly surfing
Jonah trying not to burn his butt
Wee Willie Jonah
YAR! Me thinks me a pirate
In the land of OZ
He's already here...I thought it had to be cold

Our cabin at Wiley Park in Aberdeen
The brother and I hangin out
Jonah swimming at the enormous water park
Jonah really liked the slides
Riding the horses at Story Book Land
I love the new patio door
Belly surfing and being cute
Snoozin' in mom and dad's bed
Jonah not thrilled that he hit his eye
Look at me I'm really cute
Well, summer went by really fast. I was very busy. I grew some since my 6 month check up.
I weighed 22 pounds and 10 ounces, and I was 28 3/4 inches at my 9 month check up. We went on a short family trip to Aberdeen SD. We camped in a cabin. It was one room and we cooked outside. The one night daddy woke me up and we went on a quick trip to the bathrooms. There was rain and 70 MPH winds with gusts up to 90MPH. Kinda freaked Jonah out a bit. While in Aberdeen we went to Story Book Land and to an enormous water park. I really liked the lazy river. Mommy went back to work in August. Jonah and I were sad that our days at home with Mom are over until Christmas break. I think Mommy cried a little the day she went back to work. We spent time this summer in Council BLuffs with Gracie and Grandma and Papa Juhl. We went swimming with Mommy's school friends and their kids. Jonah played tee ball. Best off all my bedroom. It is painted, curtained, and things are hanging on the wall. I think I would like my room more if I didn't have to sleep in it. Grandma J even came for a few days by herself. SHe rode a bus to Sioux Falls and we went with Mom and picked her up. She helped Mommy get a lot done on the house before she went back to work. Now I'm back at Grandma Janice's and jonah started Kindergarten. He thinks he is really big stuff getting to go to school. He said his first day was AWESOME and that he loves school. Maybe I'll get to go someday too.